Find Strength in Chaos

Resilience Through Mind and Brain Training

Imagine what you could accomplish if you shaped your mind and improved your brain.

Life is unpredictable and can be full of turbulence.  Other times it can bring the most wonderful experiences. But in order to handle the stress of the low points, fully enjoy the pleasure of the highest moments, and create the opportunities in life and career your seek, you will need to build your best brain possible. But how does one go about building and enhancing their brain performance?

We are a community of autodidacts interested in learning all the ways we can improve our brain and improve the experience we call life. We gather a few times a year to learn from each other and share insights we have gained from practicing various methods of brain improvement through nutrition, exercise, sleep, meditation, and more.  We work on designing our own personalized brain improvement program and use Brain Boost Method as a template and guide.

Brain Boost Method (TM)  is a scientific wellness and systematic brain training program combining modern neuroscience with ancient meditative practices dating back to 2500 B.C.E.  This integrative program combines meditation, exercise, nutrition, hydration, sleep, learning, stress reduction, and environment adjustment to stimulate the brain for peak performance.  The cognitive exercises we teach (i.e.. meditation, mental imagery, visualization) are selected based on evidence-based scientific studies testing the efficacy of various meditative practices and published in leading medical journals.

We seek measurable neurological, physiological, and psychological improvements in the brain over time through the quantified self. Our mission is to empower people to build the brain they need to handle complex leadership and life challenges. It’s not just about relaxation, it’s about brain building for maximum life performance.

Our educational programs are neuroscience focused and are neither spiritual nor religious in nature. Anyone can learn how to improve their brain.  We’ve taught our workshops in New York City,  San Francisco, and London.

This program is owned and produced by Michael Fernandez Copyright © 2016  All rights reserved